We understand the needs of the laboratory researcher and make it our goal to provide a consistent, healthy and quality bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine models for the biomedical research community. Even if they are only seeking information, we want them to feel that we are a company they will do business with in the future. From the very first contact, we want our clients to feel they are the most important client we have. Our motto is to treat the client as we would like to be treated. It’s been our goal to provide all established and potential clients with the finest customer service in the industry. In conjunction with an IACUC site inspection, we have been inspected by AAALAC International. We are a USDA licensed facility and are routinely inspected by the USDA. The people behind our company have been in agriculture their entire lives. Typically, the domestic swine are of a Yorkshire cross strain.ĤB Livestock is a family owned small business created in 1997. The porcine model we provide is obtained from a known breeder. Both breeds are quite hardy and adapt to a research environment readily.

We are able to provide Boer and Spanish strains.

The ovine model we provide is obtained from known breeders and quarantined at our facility for an appropriate amount of time. When 4B Livestock was created we were asked to deliver a bovine model that was healthy, smaller than available breeds commonly used. 4B Livestock | Bovine, Caprine, Ovine and Porcine | Biomedical Research